Quitting time is often announced by the barred owl (who cooks for you...who cooks for you all?) that lives in the trees just beyond the tiny. This happens now during the dusk winter hours around 4.30 or 5.00pm, and it gives me enough time to close shop before the darkness fully sets in. I like that - nature keeping time for me. There's a time for building, and a time for relaxing (and drinking wine). Maybe I can share a glass with the barred owl sometime, in gratitude for its supervision. But it might prefer a quick shot of whiskey, as its job is only just beginning for the night, and its focus must stay sharp...
Quite a lot has happened since I last wrote, although much of it not so visible on this building project. The holiday season has been good to me - in November I received some expert help from one of the contractors I work with in my day job to install the windows and skylight, which my dad and I couldn't have done on our own. The holiday season has also given me my new favorite helper who contains a world of knowledge about this stuff vastly superior to my own, and for that I'm in awe-filled appreciation. Helper is perhaps an unfair word as I tend to be his right hand, waiting for direction (but I still claim this project as my own and am here to actually build it, even if I have an expert to guide). And workwise, I've also been given extra time to put into this project in the upcoming month or two. I think my original goal of being finished by April may actually be a likelihood....I think I was afraid I'd be tired of this by now, especially considering how slowly its going. But I only love it more and more as it goes!