This was the first question my almost-6 year old niece, Zoe, asked while visiting this past week. She concisely vocalized what many people are too polite to ask, but an immediate answer wasn't apparent - I haven't worked out the elevator pitch yet. I wanted to design something and learn how to really build it. I want to understand the translation process from design to physical form, which is amazingly both more and less complicated than anticipated. I don't want to pay rent anymore. I want to live in a space that is intimately familiar, and not worry if I won't get my security deposit back when I move out. (I won't.) I also don't want to commit to a location yet - the nomadic life continues to beckon. I like flexibility. I'm slowly weening myself off urban life and moving toward the trees. And the freedom of being able to change my mind about that is appealing.
Zoe eventually got on board, and even began building her own tiny house, and one for lucky ducky too!
The wall framing has begun! That was exciting, to see the first wall go up, and so much thanks to Breanne LaTondre for her fantastic help getting it to this point - I've lost her to college but am hopeful she'll be back (and that the tiny will be much progressed when that happens!) We raised one wall in great anticipation, only afterward realizing that perhaps anticipation is not the best motivator, rather due diligence should be heeded. The trailer had not yet been leveled, and squaring off the walls has proven a bit of a challenge. But we're getting there...The long side wall is next, and has taken two weekends and several rebuilds to perfect. It's still in the act of perfection, but I *anticipate* this weekend will offer tremendous satisfaction. To have walls! What is a house but walls and a roof, anyway? Means I'm halfway there! (ahem).